Friday, January 21, 2011

Semester break

This month has been awesome! Mike is in between semesters and Jackson and I were spoiled having him home. We were also really lucky this month to have a visit from Mike's mom. It was so great to have her here and Jackson loved being able to play with his Grandma. Thanks so much for braving the airport delays to come and hang out with us!!

Jackson is really into books lately. He really loves looking at the pictures and only tries to eat them half of the time :)

On Martin Luther King Day my sister drove up from Connecticut with her three boys to spend the day with us. We went shopping at the mall, had lunch, and most importantly... had cheesecake! It was a bit of a parade to do all of that with 4 kids, but it was still super fun. I found this hat at the mall and couldn't help myself from buying it, I absolutely love it!

Jackson has a new trick, he is able to roll over! He has been able to roll over for awhile but it was pretty sporadic. This last week however Jackson mastered the skill. Every time I put him on his tummy he immediately rolls over. He gets so proud of himself whenever he does it, its so cute!

Here are a couple of other random pictures from the last month.

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