Friday, November 11, 2011


Jack-Jack's first encounter with pumpkins.
Cousins in the leaves! Jack almost got buried.
And this is our "Jack"-o-Lantern
Now that Jackson is one, he is big enough to go around trick-or-treating.  We found this super cute pumpkin outfit.  We bought it at the end of September and were worried that he wouldn't fit into it in a month.  He barely did!  He didn't like the hood (stem) but he was pretty darn cute as a pumpkin!  Lucky for us, his favorite color seems to be orange so he always picked Reese's out of the bowls! Yum!

Yep, We Moved

We made a fun trip out of moving to SLC, UT.  2nd stop: Philadelphia!!!

Moving to Utah is bittersweet for us.  We had so much fun, made new friends, enjoyed the history, and had SO MUCH FUN!!!  We traveled from Massachusetts to Danbury, CT where Amber's sister lives.  Then we all made our way to Pennsylvania.  We also stopped to see cousin Jenny in Philadelphia!  It was great to catch up with her.  It was very exciting to visit Valley Forge, the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall aaaaand due to the rain...that was all.

Jack on the trolley                                      The Arch!!!                                           Yep, you can go up!

Then we went on to Columbus, OH; St. Louis, MO; Independence,  MO; Grand Junction, CO; and Salt Lake.  Jack-Jack was such a good traveler.  It was very hard to be strapped to the car seat for 8 hour days.  We broke the hours up as much as possible.  On the 2nd to last day, Jack-Jack was pretty upset about getting back in the car and after about a half an hour ice cream stop, he was okay to continue.  What a good boy we have!
Jim's Birthday!

Thank you Jim for spending your birthday moving us 2500 miles!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Jackson was chatty one day and this is the one word he said all day!  Super cute!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

June Happenings

June has gone by so fast! We were able to do a lot of fun things this month. The best thing was we took a few days vacation and went up to Bar Harbor Maine to visit Acadia National Park. It was so beautiful and we completely fell in love with it! Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to.

Out for a stroll in Bar Harbor Maine

Jackson's first trip to the beach

This is the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park, the view was amazing!

On our drive home from Maine we had to stop and see a lighthouse.

Jackson got to help Mommy with the laundry...

Yummy beets... delicious!

Jackson has now figured out that he can pull himself up onto anything. We caught him trying to get my hairbrush.

Sharing Dad's sandwich

My boys :)

Again trying to steal the remote.

Lately Jackson's favorite toys are books, he loves them!

Being cute in the bath

I don't know why but I love this picture.

Out for a Sunday stroll in Westford

Jackson loves playing with Dad!

He is not a real fan of grass, he tries to avoid touching it at all costs.

Jackson loves to sit on Dad's shoulders and play peek-a-boo.

Apparently Jackson saw something really shocking... I think it's hilarious!


Friday, June 10, 2011

Playing catch up

Blogging for me is like exercising, I really enjoy it when I do it but it is so hard to make it a habit. One week goes by, that turns into three or four, and before you know it months have gone by and I have gained 10 pounds... There is so much to catch up on that I decided instead of waiting until I have time to catch up on everything, I will just do it in pieces. So here are a few random pictures of things that we have been up to lately. 

This is a quilt made by Jackson's Great Grandma Blank, we love it!

This is one of Jackson's new favorite toys, thanks to cousin Preston!

Jackson loves to play over in this corner, mostly because it is full of things that he can't play with. I am constantly pulling him away from there. In this picture I was trying to distract him with another toy, but he was way smarter than that.  Wires are much more fun to play with...

We love our baby boy!

A couple of weeks ago Mike and I were getting a little stir crazy and so decided to take Jackson on a stroll around Walden Pond. Jackson loves being outside, we had a great time!

We let Jackson dip his feet in :)

No better way to travel

Just chillin'

Thursday, February 10, 2011

In the groove

With the start of February things are pretty much back to normal.  Mike is back in school now and with all of the snow we have had lately, life has been kind of quiet. So here are a couple of new pictures.

 Jackson helps Daddy with his homework

Friday, January 21, 2011

Semester break

This month has been awesome! Mike is in between semesters and Jackson and I were spoiled having him home. We were also really lucky this month to have a visit from Mike's mom. It was so great to have her here and Jackson loved being able to play with his Grandma. Thanks so much for braving the airport delays to come and hang out with us!!

Jackson is really into books lately. He really loves looking at the pictures and only tries to eat them half of the time :)

On Martin Luther King Day my sister drove up from Connecticut with her three boys to spend the day with us. We went shopping at the mall, had lunch, and most importantly... had cheesecake! It was a bit of a parade to do all of that with 4 kids, but it was still super fun. I found this hat at the mall and couldn't help myself from buying it, I absolutely love it!

Jackson has a new trick, he is able to roll over! He has been able to roll over for awhile but it was pretty sporadic. This last week however Jackson mastered the skill. Every time I put him on his tummy he immediately rolls over. He gets so proud of himself whenever he does it, its so cute!

Here are a couple of other random pictures from the last month.